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BITI® is a Skill Development Platform To Perform Strong Steps For Indian Education System And Indian Youth

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We Are Providing Free Skill Development Franchisee Across India

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BITI Education

BITI® Is A Private Limited Company Which Is Registered Under (Section 25 of The Companies Act, 1956) With NCT of Delhi As Best Institute of Training and Institution Pvt. Ltd. The CIN Number of BITI (Best Institute of Training & Institutions) Pvt. Ltd. Is U72200DL2013PTC255026. We Have Applied Trade Mark & Copyright of "BITI" Company and It Is An ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company As Best Institute of Training & Institutions. We Are Registered With Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMED) Act, 2006 Which Registration Number is UP29D0003598. We Are Registered With #StartUpIndia For Providing New Innovated And Improved Skill Development Services. We Are Registered With NITI AAYOG Department As NGO DARPAN ( ID- DL/2018/0202697 ). We Provide Franchisee Education Center In All Over India.

How We Work

We Provide Free Skill Development Franchisee And Provide Complete Management Guidelines For Our Centers And Students.

10 Booming Sectors

BITI® Provide A Wide Range of Courses Which Are Covered Ten Booming Sectors To Improve Their Skills.

200 Courses

BITI® Has More Then Two Hundred Improved Courses For Its Students With Powerfull Guidelines.

500 Subjects

BITI® Covered More Then Five Hundred Subjects in Their Total Well Designed Courses For Their Students.

5000+ Videos

BITI® is Improving Its Skills Day By Day. We Are Making Video Tutorials For Our Students For Online Learning.

If Student Want To Learn From BITI® Direct Without Any Study Center Then He Can Register Himself on BITI® Tutorials Website And Learn Online.

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